Recording Your Audition From An iPhone or iPad

 The following audition steps are only for ISO devices.  The instructions are slightly different for Andriod users. 

  1. Make sure your iPhone or iPad has enough charge

  2. Make sure the voice memo app is installed on your phone. This comes preinstalled on iPhones and iPads but it can be removed. 

  3. Make sure you have a Gmail account or an email address that is hosted through Gmail, it’s required to audition. 


  5. Read the information on the page

  6. Click the link for the audition form at the bottom of the page

  7. Login using your Gmail account. 

  8. Read over information on the page

  9. Add your email address. This is required in case you want to use another email address as your primary email or if you are submitting on behalf of another person. 

  10. Select the audition you want to audition for from the dropdown menu and click next

  11. Read over the page as it will include the character descriptions and audition script. 

  12. At this point, you may copy and paste or save the image of the script and practice as many times as you want before you record your audition. I would recommend recording your practice auditions as it will help you with your delivery. 

  13. Once you are ready to audition, open the Voice memo app on your iPhone or iPad and hit record. If you are not using earbuds, keep the device at least 12 inches away from your mouth. If you are using earbuds with a microphone let the microphone naturally lay against you and do not pick it up to move it closer to your mouth. 

  14. Once you have finished your audition, stop recording. 

  15.  Rename your audition with the character name followed by your name or the name of the person doing the audition. 

  16. Next click the circle icon with three dots for more options

  17. Choose, save to files and save it to your iPhone or iPad

  18.  If you don’t see save to files as an option then click the edit actions at the bottom.  Then click the green plus sign next to “save to files” to add the option and then click done. Now click save to files and save it to your iPhone or iPad 

  19. Go back to the audition submission form if you have previously left it and go to the role you are submitting an audition for. 

  20. Once back on the proper role’s audition page click the “Add file” button

  21. Click the “Select files from your device” button  

  22. Select the “choose files” option

  23. Locate the file on your iPhone or iPad. If you are in a folder you can back out or use the search option to search for the file by name you titled it. Once located select the file. 

  24. Next click upload

  25. Once the upload is complete, click the submit button to finish the submission process. 

  26. May audition for additional roles you just have to complete the same process for each role. 
