
Welcome the caste and crew of Dracula - The Radio Play!

 Back on December 17,2021 we officially announced our cast for Dracula -The Radio Play. The audition process wasn't exactly new as we had everyone send in audio recording to audition for It's A Wonderful Life in 2020. The change that we did have for this year, was the use of submission through google forms.  Last night the cast and crew were on an introductory ZOOM meeting and I really feel strongly about each person in this production. There's a lot more to come in the upcoming months! Here's the casting announcements:   Character Actor Dracula Brandon Rose Renfield Matt Adams Van Helsing John Grant Dr. Seward Brian Baker J. Harker Dylan Nash Mina Emma Faul Lucy Liz Woods Williams Raegann Wilson Birdie Jaden Noel Announcer Emma Faul Commercial 1 Jonathan Mertz Commercial 2 Rebecca Westerman Commercial 3 Jennifer Reith Commercial 4 Bree Heightchew - Jonathan Mertz, Director

Dracula Auditions are now Closed!!!


How should I make the character sound?

Many people starting out in voice acting ask casting directors," How should I make the character sound"? Well to be honest unless they say specifically it's all up for interpretation. If you were going to audition for the role of Donald Duck, Disney would ask you specifically to Voice Double the existing sound of Donald. (Voice Doubling is an exact match to the original voicing.) But in most cases, companies want to see what creative qualities you can give a character and how you think they should sound.  Sometimes after you landed a role, what you audition with isn't what the Director will use at all. In those cases the Director notices your acting abilities and other qualities of your voice, it's all part of the creative process.  So, when you audition imagine in your mind what the character should sound like and let its personality shine through your interpretation.

Commitments for Dracula the Radio Play

 For those asking about the commitments for Dracula the Radio Play they are as follows: Now - Dec 10: Online Audition Submissions Dec 11 - 13: Audition Reviews  Dec  14 - 15: Callback Scheduling Dec 17-19: Callbacks Dec 21: Introductory Meeting With Selected Actors Dec 28 and 30: 1st set of Rehearsals Jan 2, 4, and 6: 2nd set of Rehearsals Jan 9, 11, and 13: 3rd set of Rehearsals Jan 16, 18, and 20: 4th set of Rehearsals Jan 23, 25, and 27: 5th set of Rehearsals Jan 30, Feb 1, and 3: Tech week and Final Rehearsals.   Feb 4, 5, and 6: Live shows The exact time of day for Rehearsals will be 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM on the Sunday Rehearsals and 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM on the Tuesday and Thursday Rehearsals.  Rehearsals will be on Zoom and some could be in person at alternative locations up until Tech week. Tech week we will be at the Theatre.

Video How-To: Recording Your Audition From An iPhone or iPad

We have created a step-by-step video on how to use your iPhone to submit your audition.  For the best viewing, watch in full-screen mode. 

Recording Your Audition From An iPhone or iPad

 The following audition steps are only for ISO devices.  The instructions are slightly different for Andriod users.  Make sure your iPhone or iPad has enough charge Make sure the voice memo app is installed on your phone. This comes preinstalled on iPhones and iPads but it can be removed.  Make sure you have a Gmail account or an email address that is hosted through Gmail, it’s required to audition.  Go to and click LATEST CASTING AUDITIONS Read the information on the page Click the link for the audition form at the bottom of the page Login using your Gmail account.  Read over information on the page Add your email address. This is required in case you want to use another email address as your primary email or if you are submitting on behalf of another person.  Select the audition you want to audition for from the dropdown menu and click next Read over the page as it will include the character descriptions and audition scri...

How-to videos for auditions are coming soon!

 We will be publishing how-to videos for audio submissions coming soon. We will show you how to use a phone or tablet to audition for our shows.